Friday, December 14, 2012

Life Lessons

Few lessons for my son

These are few lessons that I learned . Would like to pass it on to my son  as he is growing up....

This is a journey that will continue...... growth and learning is an ongoing process... it never stops.

First : God loves you a lot and He will always love you no matter what. You don't have to do anything or not do anything for Him to love you. We have to love him from our heart for us to feel His love. 
Then why do we do good things or right thing ?
because if we do the right thing , make the right choice or think the right thing that is aligned with love, reverence for life ... than that is for us , for our growth, for our peace . We do that for our self not to please God. God is pleased always , he loves always , he is not someone who gets angry , upset or unhappy. 
God is love, we are made in His image, so our core is love too. Our core got hidden in the veil of ego and that gave rise to judgement, resentment, anger, hatred and so on. If we are made in His image than we carry His essence in our core. Instead We made God in our image and started  to believe that God will judge us, punish us or get angry with us just like we get angry, upset, need validation and punish. The truth is God is love, God is absence of hatred, God is absence of fear. 

Second : We are not punished by God ever... never ever . What we experience is the result of  our actions and our choices. Please don't blame Him for your present or past circumstances.
               What we feel as punishment is actually one of the three things
              1. Balancing of our energies we had put out with our actions, choices, our thoughts. 
               2. Not really a punishment but a gift wrapped up for us to uncover.
               3.Is a bitter medicine to heal our wounds . So it will make us feel better once we     take it without any judgement and look for the lessons in it..
So either way, it is for our good. The outcome depends on our attitude while we are going through it. Best attitude is surrender to His will and act out of non-resistance and non-judgement. 

Third: Don't try to run away from Pain. When you feel  pain, that is not the time to run away or hide or try to get rid of the pain. That is the time to feel it without using your mind. I love what Iyanla Vanzent says, " Pain means, Pay Attention Inward Now". So tell your mind to stop thinking and be an observer of pain. Don't get scared of pain getting escalated. After every peak there is a valley. When it reaches it highest strength , it has to come down. Go through it with non resistance and non judgement. That is the only way of getting rid of that pain for ever. If we push it inside and bury it, it will come to surface one day . More we try to avoid it, bigger it gets, sooner we go through it, sooner it will dissolve. We cannot avoid Pain, we can avoid our judgement toward it . Freedom is on the other side of the pain. Got to learn to get past it . Its like a steam, only way we can get rid of it , if we let it out . Trying to close it or stop it or get distracted will only increase the pressure.

Fourth :
Always listen to your intuition. Always follow your heart . Do only what feels right in your heart. When I was very young , I read one quotation " Listen within, there is a friend inside" I loved this and I would contemplate on it for hours . That friend inside will guide you time to time with subtle messages. They are very subtle so pay attention and follow them. Don't ignore them. You will be surprised where it will take you in life.

Fifth :
Highest form of freedom is freedom from judgement of our self and  others .
Most of our miseries arises from judging ourselves an others or situations and categorizing it into bad or worse. We become our own worst critic , instead of judging ourselves , we need to learn to love ourselves unconditionally and give us some room to make mistakes. 
We can either judge others or situations and keep fighting trying to make it what it is not or  we accept them for who they are and move on .
You have to experience it in your day to day life to know how powerful this statement is . It will free you when you feel stressed out .
This is all about experience, mere knowledge is not enough

Always act , speak  from the space of internal peace. State of clarity .

We are not perfect , we are on a journey to be with One who is , His reflection in us is the closest we can be to perfection....
Our journey is not going from point A to point B . Our Journey is unfolding layers around us and going deep inside. So it is not a journey since we don't have to go anywhere, we just have to reveal our self to our self and experience infinite in finite.

Love ,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reverence for life

Reverence for life

Read first few chapters of Gary Zukav book " The seat of the Soul " again. How could I miss this , I read this book and re read chapters , but this time it seems new and it just resonated with me like never before. This book is a masterpiece.
This is in brief what I learned and would want to make it my daily practice .

Everything that we do and everything that we think , if it is infused with love , compassion and reverence for life, the universe will give back  us the same multiple times. All our actions and thoughts should come out of spirit of love, kindness and unconditional love. At this point our work becomes meditation , our thoughts becomes meditation. There will be peace and love around us and people who come in our contact will feel it .

This does not mean that life will be very easy like a fairy tale. There will be moment of pain ... we will come across events and situations that may be painful, but pain will be much less and there will be inner peace in the midst of turmoil. It is like eye of a storm , right in the center of a massive storm or tornado there is a place which is absolutely quite, peaceful. That is the state of joy, like someone says a sweet spot.
How do we reach that state? We all have experienced that at some point in our life . Maybe just for few moments but we know what it is like. How nice it would be if we live in that sweet spot all the time and if that becomes a part of who we are. Well that is our goal , to be in the state of peace .
It is moment to moment work on our self and it is never ending , but it is worth it . Peace is worth it . We have to take our lessons , we would rather take it peacefully and finish it sooner then face our lessons with bitterness and stress and judgement and prolong our lessons and create more tests for our self.

Many time we are doing everything that we are supposed to do but we feel something is missing. There is no peace ...  even when we do good work ... we feel empty at times. It  is not what we do , it is not our actions, it is our intention behind our actions that will determine the effect. We feel we are performing our duties well , but if it is infused with  love, Kindness , reverence for life... It will fill us with same , with love, with peace , with joy.
We create our Karam  not by our actions, but by our intention behind our action.
We can develop reverence for life  when we look at people or any living thing, we do not look at the body but that invisible inside that body. That invisible which is pure . It like in the movie Avatar, every plant had a light in it , it was so evident ,it was infused in every living  thing . That is a reality , just that we cannot see with our eyes . Just like UV light or microwave light is there but we cannot see it. What we can see is just a small spectrum of the light. There is that purity in every living being , in the core every person has the essence of God but what we see is just the outward appearance . If we could only remember to look past the memories of our experience with people and look inside that pure space every time we interact ..... life will become so beautiful.

 I heard a  Marianne Williamson  says in her prayer, " God please enter where you already abide." 

Here is my simple prayer 
God please enter where you already abide
Let all my actions , my thoughts be infused with your love . Fill my heart with unconditional love which is your essence . Fill my cup with your love , let each and every cell of my body be infused with your love and there be no hatred, no judgement  just like you don't judge anyone and you don't hate any one . Shine through me, through every cell of my body. Let me get merged with you to the point that there is no more me ... only you , only you , only you ....

It fills my heart . 
