I believe,
life is beautiful and life is to enjoy.
I believe ,
life is not easy, it can be challenging at times but it is worth it.
I believe,
all challenges are lessons for us to learn or opportunities for growth
I believe,
in balance. Equanimity is a very big virtue or like a special power that can assist us on our journey called life.
I believe,
If we don't know what love is then we don't know who God is.
I believe,
I believe,
we should forgive others and our self for our own good.
I believe,
loving oneself is like telling God, " What you created is wonderful, Thanks for this gift, I will take good care of it. "
I believe,
practicing peace does not mean keeping quite, it just means not reacting but responding from a inner space.
I believe,
we all have gifts and they are meant to be shared and used for the service of others. What is the point of having candle and not lighting it up in dark.
I believe,
praise and criticism both are strong winds that can blow us away unless we are grounded.
I believe,
people need love more than anything else.
I believe,
God is good God who always loves us in spite of what we do and don't do .
I believe,
no one can hurt us without our permission, that does not mean people will not do anything hurtful .
I believe,
blaming others for our life is like hammering a nail in the air.
I believe,
people can sense what you think about them even before you say a word.
I believe,
thoughts travel faster than light and sound.
I believe,
we are never alone
I believe,
we can always count on two friends, God and our intuitions.
I believe,
it is more important to " be " than to "do "...
I believe,
greatest gift we can give to our self is to be fully present at any moment .
I believe
greatest gift we can give anyone is our presence.
I believe,
we owe it to our kids to grow our self, we cannot give what we don't have.
I believe,
it is absolute waste punishing our self or others for the past mistakes.
I believe,
more I know, more I know that I know so little.
I believe,
every one has something special in them.
I believe,
we need not apologize for who we are .
I believe,
we need to be who we really are not pretend to be who we think people want us to be.
I believe,
when we are one with present moment, than anything we create will be a masterpiece, be it a painting, music, composition, a book, a photograph, an invention, a movie or simply a delicious meal.
I believe,
deep listening and loving speech are priceless virtues.
I believe,
we all have talents and capabilities way more than what we think we have.
I believe,
highest form of freedom is freedom from judging others and judging ourselves .
I believe,
at every given moment, we have a choice to choose our attitude .
I believe,
deep listening and loving speech are priceless virtues.
I believe,
we all have talents and capabilities way more than what we think we have.
I believe,
highest form of freedom is freedom from judging others and judging ourselves .
I believe,
at every given moment, we have a choice to choose our attitude .
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