Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I have a dream..

I have a dream.....

My dream is about this beautiful world, 
a world where everyone lives like one happy family.

Where there is no discrimination based on caste, color, race, sex or nationality,

Where people love each other.
Where people care of each other and basic intention behind any job is to serve others.
Where people are thriving and flourishing with love.

Where we nurture and respect our planet, all natural resources and not abuse it 

Where there is trust and faith 

I have a dream.....
 a dream of this beautiful world

Where no one feels lonely, even though they are around people,
where no one misses there family who is long distance because everyone is a family.
Where our relatives are all human beings.
Where only love and kindness prevails.

Where kids learn life lessons and moral values in school,
Where kids play games in nature with friends not games on screen with remote.
Where kids are taught by example not theory.

Where work feels like a play,
Where people are happy at work and want to work not have to work
Where work is driven by passion and not money or power.
Where money is just one commodity, money is not life

Where no one is trying to beat other person, no one is trying to compete with others but they only compete with them self.
Where people strive for excellence in everything that they do.
Where "best" is not best among others, but "best" is what best one can do.

Where healers, heal mind before they heal body .
Where we respect our body and not abuse it .

Where people follow rules not because of consequences but because it is the right thing to do.
Where words, like stress does not exist,
where anger, pain, frustration, stress is not normal
Where love, peace, contentment and happiness is normal.

Where abundance is normal...

I have a dream .........

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