Friday, May 20, 2016

Fight or Flee ......

When we are approached by any danger our first response is fight or flee. From the time of stone age to even today, these two responses are almost like a reflex action. We don't even have to think about it. 

When we are confronted with anything that we don't like or agree with , most immediate response is either flee ( in the form or ignore, push it under the rug, just avoid, resist ) or fight . 

If we pay attention , we can catch our self doing it in something very simple as finishing an important task we don't like or complex issues in relationships , taking care of our health or inner feelings of discomfort, old pain, PTSD etcNothing changes , neither the situation or us or how we feel with these responses. 

Something as small as walnut becomes as big as a mountain.

Third option , which is not something that comes naturally to us, is to face it head on. 
This is the options of facing the fear,

accepting situation as it is 
and meeting the challenge. 
This is the path where we put down that piece of cake or bag of potato chips and face our inner turmoil...This is the path where we pick up that file and finish what has been hanging on our shoulders for way too long...This is the path where we have that difficult conversation...This is the path where we put on those shoes and step out for a run...This is the path where we get comfortable with being uncomfortable....
This is the path where we say enough of running away 
or fighting ,
both are way too tiring and gets us no where , 
lets just face it. 
This is where we enter new unknown territory. This is the way out of infinite loop. This is the exit door. This is where all growth happens. This is the path that leads us to change.
When we face any situation or people,
with only love and faith as our armor, 
completely ignoring fear and doubt,
we reach other side 
where mountain turns into a size of walnut .
It is very obvious option when we teach a child to swim or ride bicycle without training wheels for the first time. We tell a child to just let go of the fear and try. We forget to apply it on us when we grow up. It is just that simple, let go and just jump. Once we jump, we realize it was't so bad after all.
The question is,
Are we even aware to stop and make conscious choice 
or we are making unconscious choices all day long, 
fighting and fleeing
and wondering why are we so depleted of energy ?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

I wonder what is that we are trying to avoid  ........uncertainty or certainty ?
I wonder what are we running away from........ life or feelings ?
I wonder what are we trying to numb ........ emotions or Self ?
I wonder who are we trying to become ........ other or an image of other ?
I wonder what do we really want ....... to be happy or to be something/someone ?
I wonder what are we seeking ........ connections or disconnection ?
I wonder what makes us happy ............ love or things ?

Insanity : Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.
Insanity : Trying to fix a broken mirror and wondering why your own image is distorted.
Insanity : Trying to change things that we cannot change, avoiding things that we can change and convinced that we know the difference between the two.

Sanity is..
When we become friends with uncertainty and stop trying to change certainty
When we acknowledge our feeling instead of running away from them
When we give space to our emotions without judgment and process it instead of numbing our self from it
When we stop trying to be someone or something and just be who we are and feel worthy in our own flesh
When we take small moments of our life to do things that makes us happy and not just running like crazy trying to finish our to do list
When we seek connections and honor vulnerability instead of avoiding vulnerability that harbors disconnection
When we understand what makes us happy is not the things, gadgets , places, vacations , titles..... These things may give us fleeting sense of gratification. What makes us really happy  or joyful are moments spent attuned with love
When we are with people, we are with them not in our todo list, past regrets or future worries and planning...
When we are doing something, we are doing it with full presence without resistance .

Lets get our sanity back ......

Thursday, January 21, 2016

That daunting Fear

Thought of the day....

At every moment we have a choice. We can either chose to operate from the inner space of fear or love. 

This fear can appear in various forms e.g.  fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of loosing, fear of 

being abandoned, fear of other people's opinion, fear of making mistakes, fear of making a wrong choice etc. .. they may be very daunting fear, or operate in the back of our mind in a very subtle way in our day to day small choices

When our choices are based on fear, it strips away the authenticity and inner peace. It can never lead to fulfillment . 

When our choice is based on love, self worth, from inner space of knowing Who is standing by us all the time, it leads to peace.

Strength is in knowing Who is in control,  even when we lose control. 

Strength is in knowing Who is standing by you,  even when you may feel you are alone.

Strength is in knowing Who created youeven when you feel not worthy. 

Step into life from the space of courage and strength regardless of fear. 

Know that any thought that is based on Fear is not true. ... don't let it imprison your spirit.

Fear imprisons us while pretending to be our protector.

It is moment to moment choice, overcoming it once does not mean it will not show up again. It will show up again in different form shape or size as long as we are enrolled in this school called life.

When we feel stuck and need answers,  don't go looking, searching for some guru, teacher or master,
look for answers, seek answers, ask for answers and right teacher for that moment will appear