Monday, January 13, 2014

What you resist, persist

What ever you try to run away from, will keep running towards you ...

We think we can outrun by running fast or shove it away by distracting ourselves with addictions.
But the fact is, more we try to run away, closer we get towards whatever we are running from. Running away only gets us more exhausted .

As Eckhart Tolle says “Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.”

Faster you try to run away from a dog, faster dog runs towards you .

More we get scared of bullies , more we get bullied.

More we fear, bigger our fear becomes.

More we try to get rid of addictions, harder it becomes.

More we try to win, harder it becomes to win .

More we run away from difficult people , more we seems to attract difficult people in our lives.

More we want to run away from bad relationships, more our relationships turns bad

More we try not to get hurt or upset , more we get upset and hurt.

More we try to run away from depression , more we get depressed.

More you we try to run away from negativity , more negative situations will come towards us.

More we try to forget painful memories, more it will haunt us.

More we try not to think about something, more it will stay in our thoughts.

Only way out is to stop running, take a deep breath and face it, let it come in full throttle, be in it face to face, with an attitude of no turning back. Face our feelings, fears, hurt, pain, anxieties, stress....

Insight and being present face to face is the way out of it . Being present with what we are feeling will open the door to the freedom. We will realize facing what we want to run away from, is so much easier than running away from it . It is not that scary when we face it . Short term pain of facing it, is much better than continuous pain for ever.
Facing it will uncover the mystery hence solve the puzzle.

This is what will build self growth muscles, raising us to the next level.

So lets stop resisting and  face it and end it once for all. There is the freedom on the other side.

 “Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.”

Bringing awareness and insight will open doorways.

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